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The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a welcoming and inclusive interfaith community for all individuals, regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity. We aim to create a safe and affirming space where individuals can explore their spirituality and connect with a diverse group of people who share a common desire for connection and meaning.

We are committed to upholding values of equality, respect, and social justice, and seek to create a culture of inclusivity where all are valued and respected. Our open concept of worship allows for a range of spiritual practices and beliefs,

and encourages individuals to engage in their own unique expressions of faith.

Through our community, we hope to foster a sense of belonging and connection, as well as provide opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Our ultimate goal is to create a world where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are,

and where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated.



The church building was originally constructed in the mid 19th century by the local efforts of a few Baptist members determined to revive the depleted congregation. Without a house for worship, the First Baptist Society of Montgomery Center, Vermont purchased a 3-acre plot of land at the apex of Main Street from local businessman and church advocate Otis Kelton, for the purpose of building a church and parsonage. The Baptist community rallied a local contingent and the buildings were erected between 1866 and 1872. The church is a Greek Revival Hall situated at the Town's primary intersection as a totem of Main Street overlooking the downtown. 

Presently, the MCC maintains the property. The local non-profit Montgomery Center for the Arts rents the church building and serves the inclusivity component of our mission to build community and encourage individual artistic expression.

The buildings are recognized as a Historic Landmark Building by the National Parks Registry.  



Church membership waxed and waned over the centuries, nearly going extinct a few times, but due to the dedicated efforts of the community the organization continues on. In 2002, the Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center joined the Green Mountain Baptist Association, which helped find several Baptist pastors over the decade. In 2006,  the Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center Vermont, Inc. officially registered with the State of Vermont.   In late 2011, after the Directors changed the name to the Montgomery Community Church, Inc.  In January of 2012, the church withdrew from the Green Mountain Baptist Association.  For a time between 2016 and 2023, the name of the organization was changed to the Montgomery Town Association, Inc.  However, the Directors resumed Sunday services in the summer of 2022. And to bring the name and mission into alignment with the organization’s purpose, changed its name back to the Montgomery Community Church, Inc. Which brings us to our modern Church


1820: The First Baptist Society of Montgomery Center was organized in 1820, by 10 local people with no permanent meeting place.   

1866: On September 25, 1866 Otis S. Kelton conveyed a 3 acre plot of land to the “First Baptist Society of Montgomery” and their “associates and successors” (Book 7, Page 489‐490) for the purpose of constructing a place of worship and parsonage. The First Baptist Society members came together and built the church and parsonage at the intersection of Main Street and Mountain Road (the parsonage, according to the town history, was replaced with the current parsonage building in 1922). In 1872, Otis Kelton, satisfied that the buildings were complete, Quit-claimed his remaining interest to the First Baptist Church & Society of Montgomery Center, Vermont. That Quit-claim deed conditioned a requirement that ownership never be conveyed, which to this day it has not.

1900's: In the early 1930's, the First Baptist Church & Society changed its name to the

Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center, Vermont.

The membership of the Community Baptist Church continued to decline and the finances became more strained. Members of the community became involved and decided to reorganize the church to

a non‐denominational religious organization.   

2002: The Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center joined the Green Mountain Baptist Association, which helped find several Baptist pastors to serve over the decade.

2006:  The Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center Vermont, Inc. officially registered with

the State of Vermont.

2011: On November 7th, 2011 the Community Baptist Church of Montgomery Center Vermont, Inc. filed Articles of Amendment with the Vermont Secretary of State changing its name to

“Montgomery Community Church, Inc.” (the “MCC”).

2012: The MCC withdrew from the Green Mountain Baptist Association.

2012-2016: The church was inactive and the building was mostly unused.  

2016: With a new board in place and considering the feedback of the community, the MCC changed its name to the Montgomery Town Association. In the same year, the new board considered the feedback received from the community that an arts organization would a popular new use for the church building and so created a separate organization named the Montgomery Center for the Arts, Inc. (MCA)

and obtained an IRS determination as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

2017: The church building is rented to the Montgomery Center for the Arts, Inc., working in tandem with the Board of the MCC to further the mission of inclusivity and expression for the community. 

(More information at

2022: The MCC resumes Sunday services with meditation sessions for the public.

2023: In order to realign the name and purpose of the organization, the Board changes its name back to Montgomery Community Church, Inc and reaffirmed its mission to further worship in a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming interfaith concept church. 


And so, the church building presently functions as both a place of worship, as well as a venue for the arts educational organization Montgomery Center for the Arts Inc., which operates in alignment with the MCC's organization purpose.

Hours & Contact


The MCC sponsors public hours of spiritual meditation for community members to gather and reconnect with their inner self-defined practices. 

As an inter-spiritual church, we encourage participation of all spiritual interests and support a membership that embraces our mission of inclusivity to create a world where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are.


Due to seasonal closure of the building, public hours are limited to fair-weather times of the year.

Starting June 25th and continued until doors close at the end of October, the building will be open on

Sundays from Noon-1PM for meditation practices.

All walks of life are invited to participate.

If you are interested in hosting spiritually guided events or classes please reach out via email at


The MCC is located at 

2 Mountain Road, Montgomery Center, VT

Board members can be contacted via email at

This is an open and
affirming congregation

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